Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Playing Along With God - a Very Special Fishstick Birthday

Birthdays are always a bell weather mark.  Some people make grand plans to make sure they spend their B-day at some memorable place and/or with a memorable person.

I have been to some very B-day worth places and have met some very B-day memorable people while on my quest/adventure but, I have ended up spending it at a place even more awesome than my puny dreams could have made plans for.  I am spending it in exactly where God wanted me to be today so that providence, serendipity, coincidence cannot be explained away by some random crossing of the stars.  It can only be called, as my friend Susie Mac coined a "Godincidence".

It is not important for me to tell you the facts.  They would only be meaningful to me.  But there is no way that I would have ended up in a Holiday Inn in Dansbury, CT by some random choice to go inland 50 miles to to I-84 to get past NYC without going right through it on I-95 then have an old client also be coming though this town, of which I have no idea where I am really at, who was having a chance meeting with a client of his, who needed some photography services, of which my client talked me up and told them that I, too, was "just happening" to be passing through town on my adventure/quest and he was available to meet with me today, only because I happened to be in town, far away from my intended route of following the coast, then most probably snagging a really nice job at a time of my adventure that is needing a cash infusion in a big way.  All of this happening on my B-day.

Oops, I ended up telling you most of the story.  But, doesn't give you goose flesh?  Doesn't it make you realize that God is having a great time with our lives and all he wants us to do is play along?

Days like today will make me give pause for a long time (at least a week) before I want to yank the helm back under my control.

When I think of mutiny from God, I have to remember today.  My birthday.  a day I will never forget (for at least a week)

PS: If that statue looks familiar it is because you are eating too many Gorton's frozen fish sticks.  Gorton's is in Gloucester, MA and ripped off their logo from the Lost FishermanMemorial statue which is right on the waterfront in Gloucester, where I was a few days ago.  I almost didn't even take a picture of the statue because I almost had to stand in line with all the other tourist snapping it.  I am glad I did now.  was this another Godincidence meant for this blog posting??  Let's not get too mystical, Rob


KJRRJK said...

I love the birthday story Rob, it is very fitting for you and your journey in this life.
I would like to say that and maybe she and I both said it to you but I recall sitting at OutBack with you after a long day of working and using the word Godincidence. Maybe Suzi said it too You know 2 great minds and all.
With that said I wish you a happy birthday and miss you a lot.

Anonymous said...

Interesting happenstance my friend! As I continue my study of "chaos theory" I place more and more stock in understanding there are no "coincidences".
God, Allah, or the great cosmic muffin... I dunno, but there seems to be a roadmap drawn up by SOMeone SOMEwhere. I hope to some day find out for sure... Happy B.D. old friend!
Bob O.

Forestapps Blog... said...

Happy Birthday my Friend!

Anonymous said...

Love this! So happy that you had a Godincidence on your birthday - thanks for sharing. I've seen much sorrow recently - it helps to hear something good.
Take care - eat more fishsticks!